Dear all,
Apakah menurut Anda guru adalah kelompok profesi yang terlalu banyak mengeluh (a bunch of whiners)? Gaji kecil mengeluh dinaikkan juga mengeluh, siswa nakal mengeluh kalau mereka aktif dan kreatif juga mengeluh, fasilitas kurang mengeluh diminta agar kreatif juga mengeluh, teman naik pangkat mengeluh tunjangan belum keluar-keluar apalagi, ganti kurikulum mengeluh ditanyai kurikulum yang lama sama saja, dll?
Berikut ini ada tulisan tentang hal tersebut
Are Teachers a Bunch of Whiners?
Thursday October 1, 2009
In response to last week's blog post about the challenges of teaching that non-educators could never understand, a commenter named Molli called me (and presumably other teachers) a whiner.
Although it's never ideal, in my opinion, to call someone a name over the internet without explanation or evidence to back it up, I can sense that many non-teachers do think that teachers whine and complain too much about their jobs. In a way, this just speaks further to the point of my original article. Yet I still feel the inclination to defend my colleagues in this challenging and often overwhelming profession.
Do you think teachers whine too much or without good reason? Have been called a "whiner" from people in other professions who think you have it pretty darn good? Now's your chance to weigh in on this touchy issue.
Pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa guru terlalu banyak mengeluh mendapat tantangan dengan mengajak mereka untuk mencoba menjadi guru selama seminggu saja! Ini agar non-guru bisa merasakan beban pekerjaan guru selama seminggu dan setelah itu ditanyai lagi apakah benar bahwa guru cuma bisa mengeluh. Menarik bukan?
Baca berikut ini.
Comments of the Week: A Challenge to Non-Teachers to Try Walking in Our Shoes
Thursday October 8, 2009
Last week, I asked the question, "Are teachers a bunch of whiners?" You responded with passion, intelligence, and even dares - challenging non-teachers to try our jobs for even a week to see how hard it is. Well, that would be interesting!
The comment that made the point best, in my opinion, came from Barbara who wrote:
"Any business person who is responsible for productivity and cannot hire or fire any of the employees, no matter what, and is accountable for that productivity- - this is a situation each teacher is faced with. I challenge any business person to work under those circumstances."
But you might want to check out what Mary, a former union employee who worked closely with teachers, had to say on the matter. She concedes that it's true - "teachers can be a whiny bunch."
I wonder... how can we make any progress in educating our children when there appears to be such a chasm between how teachers feel about their circumstances and how outsiders seem to perceive our work? How can we bridge the gap?